I've Seen That Face Before - Libertango - Grace Jones

Notes for synthesizer - Synth Brightness

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"I’ve Seen That Face Before" (Libertango) from the repertoire of Grace Jones is the best known adaptation of compositions by Astor Piazzolla "Libertango". The set we present in the form of musical notation score and sheet music for each instrument separately.

Download sheet music for "I've Seen That Face Before - Libertango" (from album "Nightclubbing") by Grace Jones. Arrangement: Notes for synthesizer - Synth Brightness.

Available format:
Movie, Pop
Nightclubbing (1981)
Grace Jones
Grace Jones
Astor Piazzolla
Barry Reynolds, Dennis Wilkey, Nathalie Delon
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After purchasing sheet music will be available in PDF format. To use it you will need the electronic devices equipped with software to read PDF files. Files can be copied only for your own needs, making it available to third parties, including through the Internet, is prohibited by law.

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I've Seen That Face Before - Libertango - Grace Jones

  • Dedicated instrument: Synthesizer
    Notation: Notes
    Part: Synth Brightness
  • Price: 9.50 9.50

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