We Are the People - Empire of the Sun

Notes for guitar - guitar 1 part

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"We Are the People" - one of the many hits of the Australian band Empire of the Sun. The song has been already many remixes. The notation, which we present here was based on a recording on the first album the band - "Walking on a Dream". The set we present in the form of musical notation score and sheet music for each instrument separately. In addition to timetabled individual voices we also develop the melody with guitar accompaniment or other instruments, with signed chords.

Download sheet music for "We Are the People" (from album "Walking on a Dream") by Empire of the Sun. Arrangement: Notes for guitar - guitar 1 part.

Available format:
Indie Rock, Electropop
Walking on a Dream (2008)
Empire of the Sun
Empire of the Sun
Jonathan Sloan, Luke Steele, Nicholas Littlemore
Jonathan Sloan, Luke Steele, Nicholas Littlemore
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We Are the People - Empire of the Sun

  • Dedicated instrument: Guitar
    Notation: Notes
    Part: Guitar 1
  • Price: 11.50 11.50

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