Yellow Angel - Mieczysław Święcicki

Tablature for guitar - accompaniment

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"Żółty anioł" ("Yellow Angel") - a romance Russian singer Alexander Wertynski, performed by Mieczyslaw Swiecicki. Melodic line adjusted to the Polish text and original instrumental ensemble accompaniment was arranged for guitar accompaniment. We also include the development of a melody to the accompaniment of a guitar or other instruments harmonics, with the signed chords.

Download sheet music for "Yellow Angel" (from album "Żółty anioł") by Mieczysław Święcicki. Arrangement: Tablature for guitar - accompaniment.

Available format:
Sung Poetry, Russian Romance
Żółty anioł (1970)
Mieczysław Święcicki
Mieczysław Święcicki
Aleksander Wertyński
Aleksander Wertyński, Tadeusz Lubelski
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Yellow Angel - Mieczysław Święcicki

  • Dedicated instrument: Guitar
    Notation: Tablature
    Part: Accompaniment
  • Price: 13.50 13.50

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