The Pink Panther Theme - Henry Mancini And His Orchestra

4eb6cf2737f8ace7562b7c4540740d852acce2bd The Pink Panther Theme Henry Mancini And His Orchestra 40

Here is your new sheet music:

"The Pink Panther Theme" - one of the most popular themes of a soundtrack. From the moment of the appearance in 1963, waited until many various arrangements and performances. Here we are describing the own arrangement to two guitars and to the classical guitar solo (fingerstyle). The study contains the base theme and the theme second, without the improvisation.

The set contains sheet music, notes with tablature or tablature only, which are two versions - with or without rhythmic values​​.

Jazz, Movie, Instrumental
The Pink Panther (1963)
Henry Mancini And His Orchestra
Henry Mancini
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After purchasing sheet music will be available in PDF format. To use it you will need the electronic devices equipped with software to read PDF files. Files can be copied only for your own needs, making it available to third parties, including through the Internet, is prohibited by law.

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The Pink Panther Theme - Henry Mancini And His Orchestra

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